Way to control sweet cravings naturally, this fruit shows effect very quickly


Cravings For Sweet: We all have sugar craving or desire to eat sweets. Eating sweets is not always bad because eating sweets produces glucose in the body and glucose is an essential element to keep our body active. It is only from glucose that we get energy to work and move throughout the day. But when this glucose increases much more than its limited amount and its level in the blood starts to remain high, then diabetes occurs.

Even after having diabetes, it is not easy to control the desire to eat sweets. This is the reason why despite knowing all the dangers, sugar patients eat sweets secretly from family members! If there is any diabetic person in your family or relation, then you will be able to understand this very well. In this situation, it is necessary to stop those people from eating sweets, as well as it is also necessary to consider what should be included in their diet so that their desire to eat sweets is under control. So here we are telling you about such a special fruit…

How to avoid sweet cravings?

You do not have to work hard to control the desire to eat sweets. Just have to eat at least one guava every day. Yes Guava! Guava is such a fruit, when consumed regularly, your sweet cravings start to calm down automatically. You don’t even think of eating sweets and even if someone is eating sweets in front of you, your mind doesn’t get tempted very quickly.

The right way to eat guava

  • Anyway, guava is healthy no matter how you eat it. But if you are eating it especially to calm the sweet craving, then definitely eat it at that time, when there is a desire to eat something sweet.
  • Like other fruits, guava should never be eaten with food or immediately after food. Rather, eat it two hours after breakfast and at least half an hour before lunch. If you want to consume it even after lunch, then keep a gap of at least two hours.
  • Fruits should never be eaten after 4 pm. Especially in winter and after 5 o’clock in summer, eating fruits should be completely avoided. Because the sun starts setting and after that eating fruits disturbs digestion.
  • Eating guava with black salt or chaat masala increases its taste and its properties also increase. Although chaat masala should be prepared by mixing domestic spices.
  • Guava should never be eaten on an empty stomach. That is, eating guava early in the morning can cause pain in your stomach or problems like heartburn and sour belching.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: Diabetics can also eat this rice, which does not increase sugar but controls it!

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