Happy Ram Navami 2023 Live: Ram Navami will be celebrated with pomp on 30 March 2023. The birth anniversary of Lord Rama on the Navami of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month and the Mahanavami of Chaitra Navratri are celebrated on the same day. Chaitra Navratri ends on this day after the worship of Maa Siddhidatri on Navami Tithi. The child form of Lord Shri Ram is grandly decorated on Ram Navami. Shobha Yatra, Ram Leela takes place. Ramayana, Sunderkand are recited in homes. According to Valmiki Ramayana, Lord Rama was born in Cancer ascendant at 12 noon. In such a situation, the birth anniversary of Shri Ram is considered auspicious in Abhijit Muhurta. This time, on Ram Navami, a wonderful confluence of many planets is taking place.
Ram Navami 2023 Muhurat
According to the Panchang, Navami date of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month is starting on March 29, 2023 at 09.07 pm. Navami Tithi will end on March 30, 2023 at 11.30 pm. For the worship of Shri Ram, the auspicious time will be from 11:17 in the morning to 01:40 in the afternoon.
Chaitra Navratri 2023 Mahanavami Puja (Chaitra Navratri 2023 Maha Navami Puja)
On the last day of Chaitra Navratri, the girl child is worshiped by worshiping Maa Siddhidatri and then after the havan, the fast is observed. It is believed that those who have not been able to fast and worship for 9 days of Navratri, if they worship the goddess on Navami date according to the rules and regulations, then they get the fruits of worship for nine days, hence it is called Mahanavami.
Ram Navami Puja Significance
Navratra is nine days of worship of Shakti and on the ninth day only the birth of Ram, who is called Maryada Purushottam. Puranas say that the one who pervades everywhere is Ram. It is believed that by worshiping Lord Rama on Rama Navami one gets fame and fortune, all works are accomplished and there is always happiness and prosperity in life. Reciting Ram Raksha Stotra on this day makes everything in life favorable.
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