Vacancy for 46 posts of assistant professor in this college, apply till this day


DU Recruitment 2022: PGDAV Evening College, University of Delhi has issued a recruitment notification. According to which recruitment will be done on the post of Assistant Professor in the college. Eligible and interested candidates can apply online by visiting the official website The process to apply for this recruitment has started. Which will run till November 10.

Here is the vacancy details
According to the notification, this recruitment drive is being conducted to fill the vacant post of 46 Assistant Professors. In which 14 posts of Commerce, 2 posts of Economics, 2 posts of English, 9 posts of Hindi, 3 posts of History, 5 posts of Mathematics, 6 posts of Political Science, 3 posts of Sanskrit and 2 posts of Environmental Studies will be filled. .

Application fee to be paid
Candidates applying for this recruitment drive will have to pay the application fee. The application fee for UR/OBC/EWS category candidates has been fixed at Rs.500. Whereas women, SC, ST and PWBD applicants are exempted from payment of application fee.

how to apply
The candidates applying for this recruitment will have to apply by visiting the official website till November 10.

Click here to check notification

Apply for Metro Recruitment-
Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited has invited applications for various posts. A total of 142 posts will be recruited through this recruitment drive. In which the posts of Assistant Manager (AM), Junior Engineer (JE), Account Assistant (AA) Officer Assistant (OA) are included. The process to apply for these posts will start from 1st November and will end on 30th November 2022. To apply for these posts, candidates have to visit the official website

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