UPSC Changed Rule For CSE Application: The Union Public Service Commission has changed the method of applying for the Civil Services Examination. Under this, once the candidates fill the application, they cannot withdraw it. Whereas earlier they had the facility to withdraw the application once they have applied, but now UPSC has changed this rule. Now applications once submitted cannot be withdrawn.
when was the facility available
UPSC had given this facility to the candidates in the year 2018, under which they could withdraw after submitting the application form. In fact, in the year 2018, UPSC noticed that more than one million candidates applied for the pre-examination, but even half of them i.e. fifty percent did not turn up for the exam. Then UPSC had started the facility to withdraw the application, which has now been withdrawn.
what is written in the notice
UPSC said in the notice issued in this regard that, once the application is submitted, the candidates cannot withdraw it. It has been further informed that the Civil Services Pre Exam 2023 will be conducted on 28 May 2023.
Exam is in three parts
UPSC CSE exam is conducted in three parts. First there is the pre-examination, those who pass it give the next stage i.e. Mains exam and finally there is the interview. Only the candidates who pass the mains appear for the interview. In this way, the candidate who successfully passes all the three stages, his selection becomes final.
Through this examination, candidates are selected for many services like Indian Administrative Services, Indian Foreign Service and Indian Police Service.
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