UPSC EPFO ​​Recruitment 2023: Recruitment for 577 posts, application for UPSC EPFO ​​starts from today


UPSC EPFO ​​Recruitment 2023: Bumper recruitment has come out on behalf of the Union Public Service Commission for the posts of Enforcement Officer and Assistant Commissioner. Applications are being invited for a total of 577 posts in the Employees Provident Fund Organization from today. All the candidates who are eligible for these posts can apply immediately for this vacancy by clicking on the link given here. Applications will be from 25 February 2023 to 17 March 2023. So let’s know which candidates are eligible for this vacancy and how to apply for it.

how to apply

Any candidate who wants to apply for these posts will have to visit the official website of Union Public Service Commission and fill the form. As soon as you go to this website, you will see a link of UPSC EPFO ​​Recruitment 2023, by clicking on this link you have to fill the complete form. Selection for these posts will be through examination. The date of the exam has not been cleared yet, nor has the date of release of the admit card been released. Both the dates will be clear soon. Candidates keep checking the official website for latest updates.

what is qualification

To apply for these posts, the candidate must be a graduate from a recognized university. To apply for these posts, the age of the candidates should be between 18 to 30 years. The age limit for ST/SC category has been fixed at 35 years. As far as your selection is concerned, it will happen after passing several stages of examination. First there will be written test, then there will be interview round and then there will be document verification. At the end there will be a medical test and after that the candidates who clear all the stages will be selected.

how much is the form fee

To apply for these posts, General, OBC, EWS category candidates will have to pay a form fee of Rs 25. While this form is completely free for SC, ST, PWD and women candidates.

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