UP Board 10th, 12th copy checking work will be completed by this date, results will be released soon


UP Board Class 10th, 12th Evaluation Process To End Soon: After the examinations of Uttar Pradesh Board, the wait for the results of the students has started. However, such a large number of candidates take part in the exam that the entire process from copy checking to toppers verification takes a lot of time. The latest information about this is that the Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary Education will finish the copy checking work by April 1, 2023. After this, some time will be spent on the rest of the process and the result is expected to be released in the end of April or beginning of May. This process of evaluation started from March 18.

So many answer sheets will be checked

According to media reports, the UP Board has engaged 143933 examiners to check the copies of class X and XII. A total of 3.19 crore answer sheets are to be scrutinised. Till yesterday, 1,67,20,732 copies were checked and now 1,51,79,268 copies are left. The board has not shared any information regarding the result release.

exam dates were

The UP Board exams started on 16 February and went on till 3 March. The Class XII exams ended on March 4. The UP Board Class 10 and 12 final exams were conducted in two shifts. The timing of the first shift was from 8 am to 11.15 am and the timing of the second shift was from 2 pm to 5.15 pm. UPMSP UP Board Exams were conducted at various exam centers in 75 districts of the state.

So many students have given the exam

This year, about 58 lakh students have registered for class 10th and class 12th in the UP board exams. To get detailed information about this subject, visit only the official website and to get any latest updates about this, click only on the official website of UPMSP.

Read also: How to prepare for UPSC Prelims 2023 exam

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