Throat Mucus : Winter season is about to start. Many problems start happening in this season. In these problems, there may be a problem of phlegm in the throat. There is a lot of pain when there is phlegm in the throat. If you are also getting phlegm in your throat, then it is very important to fix this problem immediately. Today, in this article, we will tell you about some such easy remedies, by which the problem of phlegm accumulated in the throat can be removed. Let us know how to remove the problem of phlegm accumulated in the throat?
make sure to gargle
Do gargles to remove the problem of phlegm accumulated in the throat. You will get a lot of benefits by gargling. For this take 1 glass of warm water. Add a little salt to it and gargle with it. Gargling with water in the morning and evening can bring out the phlegm accumulated in your throat.
Onion and Lemon Juice
Take onion and lemon juice to get rid of throat phlegm. This will give you a lot of relief. For this, peel and chop 1 onion well. Now grind it and extract its juice. Now mix a little lemon juice in it and drink it. If you want, mix a little honey in it and drink it. This will give you a lot of relief.
black pepper consumption
To remove the problem of phlegm accumulated in the throat, take black pepper. It can work like medicine for you. For this, grind the black pepper seeds well. After this, mix a little honey in it and consume it. This will make you feel very light.
drink lemon tea
Lemon tea can be very beneficial for you to get out the phlegm of the throat. Lemon tea contains citric acid which can flush out the phlegm accumulated in your throat.
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