JKSSB JE Recruitment 2022 Last Date: The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) had taken out recruitment for the bumper post of Junior Engineer some time back. The process of applying for these posts has been going on for a long time and now the last date to apply for them has also come. Therefore, despite being interested, if you have not applied till now due to any reason, then fill the form immediately. The last date to apply for these posts is tomorrow i.e. 27 December 2022, Tuesday.
apply from this website
Applications for these posts of Jammu and Kashmir can be made online only. For this, candidates have to visit the official website of JKSSB. To do this, the address of the official website of Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board is – jkssb.nic.in,
vacancy details
A total of 1045 posts will be filled through JKSSB Junior Engineer Recruitment. Of these, 855 posts are for Junior Engineer (Civil) and 190 posts are for Junior Engineer (Mechanical). To apply for these posts, the age of the candidate should be less than 40 years. As far as the application fee is concerned, the fee for SC, ST, PWD and EWS category is Rs 450 while for General category the fee is Rs 550.
Know here the examination scheme
This exam will be objective type in which multiple choice questions will come. The exam will be taken in English language only. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. The final merit and cut-off marks will be decided by normalizing the marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination.
Apply with these easy steps
- To apply, first of all visit the official website i.e. jkssb.nic.in.
- Here on the homepage, click on the link which reads – Advt 06 of 2022 Application Link.
- By doing this a new page will open. Sign up on this page and register by creating a new profile.
- Now login and apply for the post you want.
- Also know that the last date of application has been extended once, so there is less possibility that it will happen now. So take advantage of this opportunity and apply.
You can also apply through this direct link.
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