Tired of sneezing? Get instant relief with these tips


Ways to Stop Sneezing: Sneezing is a normal process. When we have a cold or even coming in contact with dust and soil, there is a problem of sneezing. The problem of sneezing, also called sternation, is usually caused by sneezing due to dust, pollen, animal dander and similar particles. It is also a way for your body to flush out unwanted germs, which can irritate your nasal passages and cause you to sneeze. Although frequent sneezing is disturbing, it is very irritating. In such a situation, if you want to stop the constant sneezing, then you can take some measures for this, so let’s know-

pinch your nose

To stop sneezing, try to squeeze your nose just before sneezing. When you feel sneezing, pinch your nose. This will stop your sneezing. Apart from this, if you try to raise your nose towards the eyebrows, even then sneezing will stop.

use your tongue

You can also use your tongue to stop sneezing. For this, touch the upper part of the mouth with your tongue. By doing this for 5-7 seconds, sneezing stops. Apart from this, you put your tongue on the front teeth, this will also help in preventing sneezing.

See a specialist if you have allergies

If you have been sneezing and runny nose for a long time, you should consult an allergist. If you have a serious problem of allergies, then you should consult an allergist for this. They may suggest a method called immunotherapy.

Keep these things in mind

If sneezing is coming continuously, then for this some reasons need to be taken care of. Actually, sneezing tells about allergies as well as weak immunity. In such a situation, you should consume such things, which strengthen the immunity, as well as stay away from dust and soil.

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