Apple CEO Plan for India: The craze of Apple iPhone in India is not a hidden thing. Seeing the huge opportunities for Apple in the country, the company is focusing exclusively on the Indian market. In such a situation, today Apple’s first (Apple Retail Store in India) official store opened in Mumbai’s Jio World Drive Mall. This store was launched by CEO Tim Cook (Apple CEO Tim Cook). Tim was in India yesterday to unveil the store. He inaugurated the Mumbai BKC Apple Store by opening the gate. Apart from this, Apple’s second store in India is being launched in Delhi on April 20, 2023. Apple is taking a direct entry into the Indian retail market by opening its official store in India. Earlier, Apple products were available only through resale, but now customers will be able to buy Apple products directly through this retail store.
iPhone production increasing in India
Apple is trying to increase the production of Apple iPhone in India while reducing its dependence on China. By the year 2021, only 1 percent of iPhones were produced in India, which has now increased to 7 percent. To increase production in India, iPhone has partnered with companies like Foxconn Technology Group and Pegatron Corp.
China’s experiences are being applied in India
In February, Apple CEO Tim Cook had said that he is very optimistic about the company’s market base in India. Despite the difficult conditions, Apple’s revenue in India has registered an increase of up to two times. Along with this, he said that he has learned a lot from the company’s experiences in China and there is not much difference between the two markets. In such a situation, he hopes that the experiences of China will help him to build a bigger market base and manufacturing unit in India.
First Apple Store launched in Mumbai
Apple launched the first online store in India in the year 2020. Since then, the company was constantly trying to strengthen its presence in the Indian market. In such a situation, through two retail stores in Mumbai and Delhi, Apple will further strengthen its base in the market. Today Tim Cook launched India’s first Apple Store spread over 20,000 square feet at Jio World Drive Mall in Mumbai. People were waiting before 11 o’clock to buy from this store. The special thing about this store is that customers will be able to get service in a total of 20 languages. Along with retail stores, the company is also working on improving its trade-in program and financial options.
Apple will increase the production of iPhone
According to Apple’s data, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of iPhone users in countries like India and Vietnam. The growth of the company has reached double digit in these countries. According to Bloomberg’s report, along with increasing Apple’s market in India, India is also trying to increase the export of iPhone. The company has exported a total of $ 5 billion iPhones by March 2023. At the same time, the company aims to increase the production of iPhone in the country from 4 percent to 25 percent.
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