As much as food and drink are necessary for the body, there is also the right time and method of things related to food and drink. If you eat any food item rich in protein, vitamins and nutrients at such a time. When our body is not in a state to digest it, it becomes useless in a way. It is important to consume food items in the right way and on time. So that the body can get enough nutrition. In the olden times, you must have often seen this thing that people used to be very strict about their food habits. With the changing times, this is no longer the case. People come and eat anything anytime from office, school, college etc. Very few people know when to eat what and how to eat it.
We all consume roti with different things. But, do you know what is the right time and way to eat roti? There will probably be very few people who will know about this. Today, through this article, we will tell you what is the right way and time to eat roti.
First of all, understand that whether bread is made of wheat, gram or any other grain, always eat it along with pulses, vegetables, curd, curd etc. to get its full nutrition. Because the zinc present in grains is not absorbed well by eating bread alone.
Apply Ghee or Butter
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Nowadays people eat roti plain to stay slim trim and fit. Earlier people used to eat roti with a lot of ghee. By applying ghee or butter in the roti, our body gets a good amount of amino acids. The body needs amino acids at the same time when our body synthesizes proteins. Because bread made from wheat is low in amino acids. It is accomplished by eating butter on it, due to which protein and amino acids together make synthesis good.
cook well
It is also seen that some people cook the roti less on the griddle and roast it on high flame. Due to this the roti remains raw from inside. By consuming such roti, it creates heaviness in the stomach and gets digested late. To cook the roti properly, apply flour before 15 to 20 minutes, then cook the roti properly in a pan on medium gas and then cook it on full flame. This will cook the roti from inside and digest easily.
at what time should we eat roti
You must have seen that some people eat bread in the morning, some people eat bread during the day and some even late at night. Most Indians include roti in dinner. Nutritionists tell that it is better to eat bread during the day because the fiber present in bread slows down its digestion. When a person eats roti in dinner, digestion continues even during sleep, which is not good for our body. On the other hand, if we eat roti in the afternoon, it gets easily digested by the physical activities of the day.
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