Piles Treatment: Today a large number of people are troubled by the problem of Piles. Bad diet and deteriorating lifestyle are the biggest reasons for this. In our country itself, the number of piles patients is around one crore. Talking about this disease, the biggest reason for it is constipation, due to which about 15 percent people in the world are troubled. Problems like piles, fissure and fistula are increasing due to constipation.
what is piles
Swollen blood vessels are called Piles. In this disease, the veins of the anus start swelling, due to which warts start forming in the inner or outer part of the anus. Many times, due to stool pass, warts start coming out. The problem of piles increases due to consumption of fried and processed food, spicy food, alcohol, dairy products, refined grains and excessive salt in poor diet.
These fruits are a panacea for piles
According to pristyncare team, there are some fruits which work like a panacea for piles. They are very effective. If these fruits are consumed in the winter season, then the problem of piles can be relieved. These fruits are rich in fiber and supply vitamins and minerals. Eating fruits every day keeps digestion right and can control piles. Let us know which fruits are effective in piles.
Apple is considered a vitamin of health. Piles can be controlled by eating this. Digestion is good by eating it. Pectin fiber is found in apple, which keeps the intestine correct and looses the stool. Apple also relieves the patient of piles from constipation.
Sweet Potato, Avocado and Banana
Sweet potato, avocado and banana are also very effective in piles. These fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. Eating these can easily control piles. Potassium is found in these fruits along with Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, due to which piles are easily controlled.
Papaya is a very useful fruit in piles. Consuming this helps to get rid of the problem of constipation. Eating ripe papaya controls bleeding caused by piles. A lot of fiber is found in it. Which helps in controlling piles.
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