These 5 foods can prove to be good friends of the heart, eating them reduces the risk of heart diseases.


Food For Heart Health: The result of poor diet and poor lifestyle is that these days the risk of heart related diseases is increasing a lot. From the elderly to the young, they are becoming victims of heart attack, stroke and hypertension. In such a situation, to get rid of heart-related diseases, you can follow a good diet. Let us know which are those foods, the consumption of which reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Consumption of these foods can reduce the risk of heart diseases

Walnut-If you include walnuts in your diet, it can reduce your cholesterol level significantly. With its help, you can reduce heart diseases. Actually walnuts contain fiber, omega-3 and fatty acids. Bad cholesterol can be reduced with their help. It is also beneficial for overall health.

Oranges-To reduce the risk of heart diseases, you can also include oranges in the diet. Vitamin C and potassium are found in oranges. Apart from this, pectin is also found in it. With the help of all these elements, you can keep your BP under control. This keeps the blood vessels healthy and the problem of high BP can be reduced. When your BP will be under control, then you will not have heart disease automatically.

Flaxseed- Flax seed which we know as Alsi. You can also reduce the level of bad cholesterol by eating this. Antioxidants including omega 3 fatty acids are also found in it. It corrects blood flow.

Yogurt Eating low fat yogurt can also benefit you. It is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium. Its regular intake keeps the heart rate correct. Fatty fish can also be included in the diet. You can also eat tuna, mackerel, sardines

green vegetables- Make sure to include green leafy vegetables in your diet. It contains all kinds of nutrients. Iron, Calcium, Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin C which can help in reducing heart disease. By eating all these, oxygen rich blood reaches your heart easily. They also prove to be helpful in opening the blood vessels. For this, you can include spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, lutes in your diet.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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