These 5 cooking oils are best for heart health


Health Tips: Some use refined oil for cooking, while some use ghee, mustard or soybean oil etc. But if you want to keep your heart healthy, then you should always use good quality oil in food and in minimum quantity. So let us tell you today the 5 best cooking oils which are beneficial for your heart health.

avocado oil

We all know the qualities of avocado, but not many people like its taste. In such a situation, you can use avocado oil to keep your heart health healthy. Monosaturated fat is found in it, which improves heart health and is also effective in weight loss.

Grape seed oil

Yes, the oil extracted from the seeds of grapes is very beneficial for the heart. The amount of saturated fat is very less in it, as well as omega-6, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E are abundant.

Sesame oil

Sesame is used in almost every household during winters, because it gives warmth to our body. But tell that sesame oil is also no less than a panacea for our health. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which improve heart health.

olive oil

Olive means olive oil is also very beneficial for our heart. Antioxidants are found in plenty in it, which improves our blood circulation. However, olive oil should never be used after heating it fast. Extra virgin olive oil should always be eaten raw.

linseed oil

Yes, linseed ie flax seed oil is also very beneficial for our heart health, alpha linolenic is found in it along with omega-3 fatty acids.

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