These 3 teas are best for boosting immunity, consume them every day in winter


Best Tea For Winter: Most of us like to drink tea. Most people start their day with a cup of tea. The special thing is that people who usually do not drink tea, they also start taking sips of it during the winter season. Here you are being told about three such special teas, drinking which will change the taste and also increase immunity. Means diseases like cold, cold, fever will stay far away from you.

1. Masala Chai
Turmeric-cumin type spices are not to be added in Masala Chai. Rather have to use some special and selected things. like…

  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Black pepper
  • Cardamom
  • ginger or dry ginger

How to make Masala Chai?

  • Keep a cup of water for heating and put a quarter spoon of tea leaves in it.
  • Then put a little bit of cinnamon, one black pepper, green cardamom, ginger in it.
  • When the water starts boiling, add milk to it and after it comes to a boil, add sugar, sugar or jaggery according to taste.
  • Tea should not be overcooked after adding sweet. So turn off the gas and enjoy the tea by straining it.
  • Whenever you are feeling sleepy and you have to work or laziness is dominating then take this tea. Energy will also be available and immunity will also increase.

2. Turmeric tea

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As soon as you read the name of turmeric tea, you will say what a blessing! Turmeric in vegetables, turmeric in milk and now turmeric in tea too… Sir, wait a minute! The first thing is that you do not have to start the day with this tea, rather you have to consume it sometime in the afternoon or if you feel like drinking tea at night.

How to make turmeric tea?

  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric
  • Jaggery, as per taste
  • 1 green cardamom
  • First of all keep the water to boil and put green cardamom in it.
  • When the water starts boiling, add turmeric powder to it and add jaggery.
  • Sieve it and taste this tea sip by sip. You can consume this tea even after having food.

3. Tulsi-Ginger Tea

Ginger and Tulsi leaves are used in making tea in most of the Indian homes during the winter season. This is because both of them work to protect against seasonal diseases occurring in winter. Tulsi and ginger have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, which do not allow bacteria that cause cold, cough, etc. to flourish. Do not allow the fever virus to dominate the body. Start your day with this tea. You will feel freshness and cold will not bother you.

How to make basil-ginger tea?
While making Tulsi and Ginger tea, keep in mind that Tulsi leaves have to be put in the tea water in the beginning. Whereas ginger should be added later. By doing this, the aroma, taste and qualities of tea remain intact.

  • First of all, keep the water hot and put basil leaves and tea leaves in it.
  • After boiling, add ginger to it and boil it once. Now add milk to it and turn off the flame as soon as it comes to a boil.
  • Strain the tea into the cup and sip on it to start your day off on a wonderful note.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: Consume buttermilk with this method in the winter season, pink blush and natural glow will come on the cheeks

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