There will not be even one percent problem in conceiving, just make these 5 changes in your lifestyle


Women Health Tips: It is the dream of every woman to become a mother, but many times it happens that even after trying a lot, women have to face difficulty in conceiving. In such a situation, she also resorts to IVF or other medical treatment, but if you want to conceive and increase your fertility, then you can make these five changes in your lifestyle.

Include these things in the diet to increase fertility


Yes, the cinnamon present in our kitchen is no less than a panacea to increase fertility. By using cinnamon, problems like infertility and PCOS in women can be eradicated from the root. Actually, cinnamon normalizes your periods cycle and helps the ovaries to do their work easily.


Like women, men also need to pay attention to their fertility. In such a situation, consuming garlic can be beneficial for you, because an element called allicin is found in garlic, which increases the sperm count of men and helps women to conceive quickly.


Ashwagandha is such a natural herb that increases the fertility of women and men. Not only this, it increases the immunity and energy level of the body and makes us strong from inside. You can consume its powder with lukewarm milk.

Include fruits and vegetables in the diet

If you want to conceive, then iron and folic acid are most important for you, which you get from green leafy vegetables and fruits. Not only this, it also improves the sperm quality of men. However, women who want to conceive should consume all fruits except papaya.

Do not do this work to increase fertility

If you want to conceive, then both the partners should not consume alcohol, smoking or other intoxicants. Also stay away from stress, tension and anxiety. Do not eat things made of soy in food. Do yoga and exercise regularly. Sleep early and wake up early.

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