Dry Mouth Remedies: When the process of saliva production in the mouth slows down, the throat becomes very dry. There can be many reasons for this, which may include low amount of fluoride in water, lack of water in the body, etc. In this problem you can increase the problem of dehydration. That’s why it is necessary to treat dry mouth. You can resort to some effective remedies to reduce the problem of dry mouth.
what to do when mouth is dry
drink fennel water
Drink fennel water when the mouth is dry. You will get a lot of benefit from this. For this take 1 glass of water. Add 1 teaspoon fennel and 1 teaspoon sugar candy to it and boil it well. After that keep this water to cool down. Drink it now. This will remove the problem of dry mouth.
lemon and honey
To reduce the problem of dry mouth, take lemon and honey. The problem of dry mouth can be overcome by the consumption of lemon and honey. For this, heat 1 glass of water slightly. Now mix a little lemon juice and a few drops of honey in it. After that drink this water. This creates saliva in the mouth, which can relieve the problem of dry mouth.
Aloe vera gel is beneficial
The problem of dry mouth can be overcome with aloe vera. For this, take 1 to 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel every morning on an empty stomach. This will give a lot of benefit.
chew cardamom
If the problem of dry mouth is increasing too much, then take cardamom. The problem of dry mouth can be overcome by the consumption of cardamom.
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