The world’s first animal to get CT Scan done, reached America’s hospital for treatment, know why


Turtle CT Scan For The First Time: CT scan is usually of humans. But have you ever heard that an animal has had a CT scan. This has happened for the first time and a turtle deserves it. Yes, this turtle is being given special treatment in a hospital made for humans. Doctors check it daily and this turtle regularly rests on the medical bed. You will also be jealous that if luck is like this, but knowing about an old injury of this turtle, you will also become emotional.

World’s first animal to undergo CT scan

Let us tell you that the name of this turtle undergoing treatment in the hospital is Kel and this turtle has been living in the Cook Museum of Natural Science since 2019. A few years ago the sea was its home, but once it got entangled in a fishing hook in such a way that its shell got badly injured. Then it was saved and brought to the Cook Museum of Natural Science and since then it has been living here and doctors fear that if its shell is not treated properly, it may become more ill if it goes into the water.

CT scan done to detect infection

It is being treated in the hospital for the care of kale and to remove the infection of its shell. Its CT scan was done and after that its infection was assessed. Kel is battling a lot of health problems but since he has been living in the museum for a long time, he has mixed with the staff there. Doctors hope that Kel will soon be able to recover and go back to sea. Let us tell you that the Cook Museum of Natural Science had recently shared some pictures of Kell’s CT scan and his hospital treatment on social media, after which people are praying for his complete recovery.

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