The wait will end today! Bihar Board will release 10th class result in the afternoon?


​Bihar Board 10th Result 2023: Very soon the results of the 10th class examination will be released by the Bihar School Examination Board. The students who appeared in the examination are eagerly waiting for the result. Once the results are released, students will be able to check the results on the official sites and This year the board had conducted the exam from 14 February to 22 February.

More than 17 lakh students had appeared in the Bihar Board’s 10th class examination this year. These include 8,20,179 boys and 7,90,920 girls. The board had made 1500 examination centers for the 10th class board examination. To be successful in this exam, students have to score 33 percent marks. Bihar Board releases the results of 12th class and 10th class much earlier than other boards for many years in a row. According to media reports, Bihar Board will release the results of class 10th today in the afternoon.

12th result came on March 21

This year the result of 12th class was released by Bihar Board on 21 March 2023. The board had fixed the date for the 12th class examination from February 1 to February 11. Announcement of results Minister Education Department, Prof. Chandrashekhar did it. The pass percentage of class 12 of Bihar Board was 83.60 per cent. ABP Live is constantly trying to make the class 10th results of Bihar Board accessible to the students first. Students stay connected with us for every update related to board results.

This way you can check the result

  • Step 1: First of all, students go to the website of Bihar Board- to check the result.
  • Step 2: Then students click on 10th exam result on the home page.
  • Step 3: After this, students enter their roll number here.
  • Step 4: Now the result of the student will appear on the screen.
  • Step 5: After that download the student result.
  • Step 6: Finally take out the print out of the student result.


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