Bihar Board Matric Result 2023: The students who had appeared in the Bihar Board 10th class examination this year, their wait for the result is going to end now. The results of this examination can be released today by the Bihar Board. After the results are released, students will be able to check them by visiting the official site results.biharboardonline.com. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned here to check the result.
This time more than 16 lakh students had appeared in the 10th class examination of Bihar Board, who are eagerly waiting for the results of the examination. This wait of the students may end soon. The result can be released by the board today afternoon. However, officially this has not been confirmed yet. But last year also the board had declared the result of class 10th examination on 31st March. After the release of Bihar Board 10th result, the students who are dissatisfied with the results will be able to apply for scrutiny. For which they have to pay the fixed fee.
The students who had given this exam. To be successful in this, they have to get 33 percent marks in each subject. The result of the 12th class board exam has already been released by the Bihar Board. Which the state’s education minister, Prof. Chandrasekhar was released.
How to check result
- Step 1: To check the result, the student must first visit the official website of Bihar Board- www.biharboard.ac.in.
- Step 2: Now students click on 10th exam result on the home page.
- Step 3: Then students enter their roll number here.
- Step 4: After this the result of the student will appear on the screen.
- Step 5: Now download the student result.
- Step 6: At last take out the print out of the student result.
You can check the result by clicking on this link
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