UPSC Civil Services Mains Result 2022: Union Public Service Commission has declared UPSC Civil Services Mains Result 2022. Candidates who appeared in the main written examination can check the result on the official site of UPSC at upsc.gov.in and upsconline.nic.in. The Commission released the roll numbers of the candidates who passed the examination. done Huh.
UPSC conducted the written examination from 16 September to 25 September 2022. Now the results of this examination have been declared, the candidates who appeared in the examination were eagerly waiting for the results. Detailed Application Form-2 will now be filled after the declaration of the results of Mains Examination. After which the candidates will be called for the interview round. The interview will carry 275 marks and there is no minimum qualifying marks.
After the interview, the selected candidates will be filled in administrative positions in various All India Services and Central Civil Services including IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS and IRTS. The interview will be held at the office of the Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi. For more information, candidates should keep an eye on the official website of UPACC.
Check result like this
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- Step 1: To check the result, candidates first go to the official site of UPSC, upsc.gov.in.
- Step 2: Then click on the UPSC Civil Services Mains Result 2022 link available on the main page.
- Step 3: Then a PDF file will open in front of the candidate where the candidate can check the name and roll number.
- Step 4: After this candidates download this file
- Step 5: Finally, candidates should keep the hard copy of the result with them as per further requirement.
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