Food To Prevent Depression: Mental health has always been a very serious topic, but it was not given much attention. However, its shocking statistics have now come to the fore in India, according to WHO, 16.3 people out of 1 lakh people in India fight mental illness every year, mental illness affects not only our own lives but also our family. Yes. If you pay proper attention to food and drink, then you can get rid of it. In the problem of depression, more attention should be given to food and drink than medicine, in this case only healthy foods should be consumed.
Milk: Drinking milk is very beneficial in the problem of depression. It contains Vitamin D which reduces the symptoms of depression. According to the study, eating a diet rich in vitamin D is beneficial in depression. This will improve your mental health. Drinking milk while sleeping at night gives good sleep, calms the mind, elements called tryptophan amino acid are found in milk, which helps in getting good sleep, and when sleep comes right. So automatically mental health will improve
fish: Eating fish can be beneficial in case of depression, omega-3 nutrients are found in it, which relieves anxiety and stress. Therefore, to relieve stress, fish like tuna, salmon, mankerel and sardines can be eaten.
Nuts: According to research, nuts can be helpful in reducing depression, they contain selenium which has the ability to reduce the symptoms of depression. The B vitamins present in it are said to help reduce stress, while the magnesium helps build better stress management.
Eggs: In depression, eating a protein-rich diet can prove to be very helpful. Protein boosts your happy hormones, which can make you feel good. In such a situation, you can consume eggs, along with vitamin D in eggs, abundant protein is found in it, which can be very helpful in depression.
Green Tea: Green tea is also helpful in depression, green tea proves helpful in reducing the symptoms of depression by reducing your oxidative stress. Mental health is good by drinking it and you can feel relaxed.
dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is very relaxing, so eating it can improve your mood. Anti-oxidants are found in plenty in dark chocolate, it can reduce stress in your body, but it is right to eat it in limited quantity.
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