The problem of flatulence often occurs after eating food… these are its home remedies


Home Remedies For Bloating: If you are among those people, who keep having stomach and digestive problems again and again. Especially for flatulence, you need to pay attention not only to your diet but also to how to boost your digestion. Because if the digestion is correct, then the food you eat gets digested very well and it does not cause the problem of flatulence. So here the biggest thing comes to the fore that you should adopt some home and effective herbal remedies to avoid the problem of flatulence immediately. But to get relief in the long term and to avoid this problem, digestion should be boosted along with paying attention to your diet.

eat these three things after meal

About 30 minutes after eating food, you should eat 1 pinch of black salt, half teaspoon of celery and 1 pinch of asafoetida, all these three things together with warm water. You will not have the problem of flatulence.

drink this tea

Consume cumin tea after 30 to 40 minutes of having food. For this, add one teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup of water and boil it. And consume it. You do not need to add sugar in it. Consume it like this. If you want to add sweetness, then add a little jaggery.

these leaves and a little salt
After 30 minutes of eating food, take 6 to 7 leaves of mint and eat them after mixing one to two pinches of black salt. After that your digestion will heal itself, You can also use ajwain leaves instead of mint leaves. Eat them with salt in the same way. But 2 to 3 leaves of ajwain are enough.

drink this water

Although it is better to take this recipe in the summer season. But in winter if you can consume it after lunch and during sunlight. You take a glass of normal water and add juice of half a lemon to this water and drink it after 30 minutes of having food. Lemon improves digestion and also keeps the body hydrated. But keep in mind that consume it at least 30 minutes after having food, not before.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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