The earnings of the CEO of this company will surprise you, more than 10 thousand crores received from the company in a year


Blackstone CEO Package: Have you heard the name of Blackstone Inc company? If you are aware of the business world, then you must have heard this name too, because it is one of the biggest investing companies in the world. Today we are going to tell you one such thing related to this company, knowing which you will be surprised. This is about the salary of the CEO of the company.

Got this much amount only in dividend

Steve Schwarzman, Chief Executive Officer of investment firm Blackstone Inc, received a record $ 1.27 billion, or more than Rs 10,000 crore, from the company in the last year i.e. 2022. Out of this, about 01 billion dollars were received only in the form of dividend. At the same time, the company gave $ 253.1 million to the CEO as compensation. Most of this came through incentive fees and carried investments.

Now this is the net worth of Schwarzman

Let us tell you that Schwarzman currently has about 20 percent stake in Blackstone Inc. He founded the investment firm Blackstone along with some people more than 03 decades ago. According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Steve Schwarzman’s net worth is currently $ 30.6 billion. He is among the highest-paid executives on Wall Street.

heir received so much money

Schwarzman’s successor John Gray as President and CEO of Blackstone Inc. will receive $479.2 million in 2022. Of this, $182.7 million went to Gray as dividends. Gray has about 03 percent stake in Blackstone. Gray received $30 million from the company in 2022 as a stock bonus. This is less than a year ago. In the year 2021, he got a stock bonus of $38 million.

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Stocks booming this year

Blackstone is counted among the largest investment banking companies in the world. Last year, like other investment banking companies, Blackstone’s profits were also affected, but the company was able to manage it easily. Talking about this year, a good boom is being seen in the shares of Blackstone. year 2023 So far, its shares have gained more than 21 percent.


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