The body gives this signal when there is iron deficiency, identify it immediately


Iron Deficiency Symptoms: Every nutrient has its own role in the body. If any kind of vitamin is decreasing in the body, then it can make the body sick. Even if there is a lack of protein, there will be problems. Iron is also one of the essential nutrients for the body. How important iron is for the body, its importance can be understood from the fact that it helps in delivering oxygen to all the organs by making hemoglobin in the body. Let’s try to know what are the problems caused by iron deficiency and how it can be replenished in the body.

1.62 billion people affected in the world

Iron works to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein. It transports oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. Every organ of the body survives only with oxygen. According to WHO data, around 1.62 billion people worldwide are suffering from iron deficiency. This is about 24.8 percent of the world’s population.

These signs of iron deficiency

Due to iron deficiency, many types of symptoms are seen in the body. This includes feeling tired all the time, not wanting to do any work, complaining of shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, pale and white face, inability to concentrate, dizziness, weak immune system, mild cold, sunlight. Involves getting sick.

Why does iron deficiency happen?

Iron deficiency can happen to anyone, be it a man or a woman. But usually due to periods, women are more anemic than men. Apart from this, due to lack of blood, bleeding during delivery, the problem of piles can also increase the problem.

How to supplement iron

Iron deficiency can be tested in just a few minutes. From this it is known that what is the level of hemoglobin in the body? If hemoglobin is low, then you can take pomegranate, tomato, spinach, red meat, beans, lentils, and other iron-rich foods. But one thing has to be kept in mind that too much iron should not be taken. This can cause blood to thicken, so doctor’s advice must be taken.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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