डायबिटीज के मरीज क्या खाएं-क्या न खाएं? शुगर लेवल रहेगा कंट्रोल

[ad_1] Diabetes and Food: डायबिटीज के मरीज क्या खाएं-क्या न खाएं? शुगर लेवल रहेगा कंट्रोल [ad_2]…

Those 3 asanas of yoga, which patients of blood pressure and diabetes must do

[ad_1] International Yoga Day 2023: Like every year, this year too ‘Yoga Day’ will be celebrated…

What to eat and what not to eat in diabetes? Follow this diet chart

[ad_1] Diabetes Diet: Due to the changing lifestyle, the problem of diabetes is being seen a…