गेहूं उत्पादन का टूट सकता है रिकॉर्ड, बढ़े हुए एमएसपी पर ज्यादा खरीद की उम्मीद में सरकार

[ad_1] Wheat Production in India: भारत का गेहूं का उत्पादन इस साल रिकॉर्ड तोड़ सकता है.…

Research on the supply of wheat can put you in worry, will the price of flour increase worldwide?

[ad_1] Wheat: The potential for extreme temperatures has increased significantly in the wheat-growing regions of the…

Good news coming from the fields, the area under wheat is estimated to be more than 85 percent

[ad_1] Wheat Production In India 2023: Rabi crop is expected to be very good this year…

‘There is enough stock of wheat in the country, prices are increasing due to hoarding’ – big statement of the government

[ad_1] Wheat Prices Increase 2022 : The Central Government has issued its statement regarding the rising…