[ad_1] टीबी के मरीजों के लिए बड़ी खबर है. अब उनका नए तरीके से हो सकेगा,…
Tag: tuberculosis
दोबारा से हो जाए TB तो क्या करें, जानिए कारण, लक्षण और बचाव
[ad_1] Why Tuberculosis Reactivate: भारत में टीबी की बीमारी के मरीजों की संख्या भले ही हर…
शरीर के किसी भी अंग में हो सकती है टीबी की बीमारी, जानिए क्या कहते हैं हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट
[ad_1] अभी भी टीबी बीमारी के प्रति लोगों में जागरुकता की कमी है. इस बार वर्ल्ड…
World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Is There Any Link Between Covid-19 And TB? Here’s What Experts Say
[ad_1] World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Both Covid-19 and tuberculosis are diseases which affect the respiratory system…
World Tuberculosis Day: How Social Stigma Associated With TB Affects Patients’ Mental Health
[ad_1] World Tuberculosis Day 2023: India has the highest burden of tuberculosis patients globally, and the…
TB Can Affect Any Body Part, One Quarter Of The World Is Infected With It – Lesser Known Facts
[ad_1] Tuberculosis is one of the oldest known diseases, and was a deadly disease in the…
World Tuberculosis Day: In What Instances Does Latent TB Infection Become Active?
[ad_1] World Tuberculosis Day is observed every year on March 24 to commemorate the date in…
World Tuberculosis Day: Urgent Actions Needed To End Tuberculosis In India By 2025, Says Expert
[ad_1] World Tuberculosis Day is observed every year on March 24 to commemorate the date in…
This is the most expensive vegetable in the world
[ad_1] Hop Shoots: It is the habit of every Indian to bargain while buying any item.…