देश के बैंकों की सेहत सुधरी, सभी सरकारी बैंकों के एनपीए में गिरावट

Banks NPA Survey: फिक्की-आईबीए बैंकर्स सर्वे में देश के सरकारी बैंकों के एनपीए (नॉन परफॉर्मिंग ऐसेट्स)…

देश में केवल 3 कंपनियां गिग वर्कर्स को दे रहीं मिनिमम वेज पॉलिसी के तहत पैसा और सुविधाएं, जानें

Gig Workers Wages: भारत में गिग वर्कर्स की तादाद बढ़ती जा रही है और इनके जरिए…

Every fifth Indian is taking personal loan to fulfill his hobby, people are celebrating holiday by taking loan

Everyone likes to celebrate holidays and travel, but it cannot be done for free. Many people…

The effect of layoffs around the world, two-thirds of the people are afraid of losing their jobs

For more than a year, the whole world is troubled by the impact of Global Layoffs.…

65 percent of women investing in real estate leaving gold and silver, revealed in the survey

Anarock Survey For Real Estate: Women in the country are now preferring to invest in real…

1 out of every 4 Indians worried about job loss, layoffs happening across the world

India Union Budget Survey 2023: Job layoff is going on in big tech companies all over…