कॉर्पोरेट कर्मचारियों में बढ़ रहा है फाइब्रोमायल्जिया बीमारी, जानिए क्या है वजह

[ad_1] Fibromyalgia : फाइब्रोमायल्जिया एक तरह की बीमारी है जिसमें लोगों को दर्द, थकान, और मानसिक…

नींद में क्यों बोलने लग जाते हैं लोग? कहीं ये किसी बीमारी की आहट तो नहीं! जानें क्या हैं कारण?

[ad_1] Sleep Talking: खराब लाइफस्टाइल की वजह से आजकल लोगों को कई तरह की शारीरिक परेशानियों…

If you see these 5 symptoms in the body, then understand that there is a problem in the diet and you are eating less.

[ad_1] Summer Health Issues: Just as eating more than hunger is harmful for the body, similarly…

Can’t sleep quickly despite a million attempts! So definitely eat these 4 food items before sleeping

[ad_1] World Sleep Day 2023: Getting good sleep is beneficial for our overall health. It not…

Taking less than 7 hours of sleep will affect the body. Experts revealed many frightening secrets

[ad_1] Sleep Deprivation: You know very well how important it is to get enough sleep. Due…

Start thinking something and then can’t sleep whole night… This is how you will get rid of this problem

[ad_1] Sleep Problem: When we go to sleep at night after the tiredness of the day,…