परफ्यूम के कारण 12 साल के बच्चे को आया कार्डियक अरेस्ट, जानिए कैसे हुआ ये हादसा

[ad_1] <p style="text-align: justify;">12 साल के बच्चे को अचानक से कार्डियक अरेस्ट पड़ने की खबर आ…

Be careful… don’t let the colored ice ball spoil your child’s health… know the harm caused by it

[ad_1] Side Effects of Ice Gola: Where summer brings problems for people, it also brings some…

Smoking 100 cigarettes is equal to burning mosquito repellants in the room … there may be a risk of cancer

[ad_1] Side Effect Of Moasquito Repellent: As soon as summer comes, the season of mosquitoes is…