आपके आसपास रहते हैं बीड़ी-सिगरेट पीने वाले, जानें आपके दिल के लिए कितने खतरनाक?

[ad_1] ‘नेशनल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ हेल्थ’ के एक रिसर्च के मुताबिक बार-बार भांग पीने से व्यक्ति को…

The first country in the world where ‘death’ will be written on cigarettes!

[ad_1] Canada will be the first country in the world where death will be written on…

Quit Sense: Want to quit smoking? This AI app will help, how?

[ad_1] Quit Sense AI Application: Technology is changing day by day and new things are coming…

This Smart Necklace Can Help One Quit Smoking. Study Explains How The Pendant Works

[ad_1] Researchers from Northwestern University have developed a smart necklace which can help one quit smoking,…