सूखे नट्स या रोस्टेड नट्स कौन से है सेहत के लिए बेस्ट? जानें फायदे और नुकसान

[ad_1] ड्राई फ्रूट्स का सेवन करना सेहत के लिए बेहद ही फायदेमंद माना गया है. इससे…

ज्यादा प्रोटीन खाना आपकी सेहत के लिए ठीक नहीं, कैंसर का ट्यूमर का खतरा बढ़ाता है

[ad_1] <p>ज्यादा प्रोटीन खाने से कई प्रकार के कैंसर के ट्यूमर विकसित हो सकते हैं. हाल…

When you do not eat rice for a month, then there will be some effect on the body… know

[ad_1] People living in South Asia eat a lot of rice. Simply put, this rice is…

Not only protein and vitamins, healthy fat is also very important to stay healthy, know how and how much

[ad_1] Healthy Fat Food: All nutrients are necessary to keep our body healthy, such as vitamins,…

Not only eggs, these 3 vegetables will also remove protein deficiency in the body

[ad_1] Protein Rich Vegetables: To maintain good health, the body needs all the essential nutrients. Like…

These vegetables are rich in protein, make the brain sharp, boost the immune system

[ad_1] Protein Rich Vegetables: The greater the contribution of physical activity in staying healthy, the more…

Now no tension due to changing weather! Follow these Ayurvedic tips to strengthen immunity

[ad_1] Immunity Boosting Tips: The changing weather brings with it infections and many diseases, to avoid…

Chickpea helps in weight loss, include it in your diet from today

[ad_1] Kabuli Chana Benefits: Due to today’s lifestyle, weight gain has become a common problem. People…

These signs appear due to lack of protein in the body, do not forget to ignore them

[ad_1] Protein Deficiency Signs: When there is a deficiency of any nutrient in the body, its…

Attention ! Do you even wash chicken before cooking? This could be your biggest mistake

[ad_1] Chicken Cooking: Before eating anything, it is a good habit to wash that thing and…