Oldest-Known Mega-Predatory Marine Reptile Revealed By Fossils Of 170-Year-Old Organism

[ad_1] A 170-million-year-old ancient marine reptile’s fossils have revealed that the animal from the Age of…

Sabre-Toothed Creature Was A Top Predator Before The ‘Great Dying’, Its Fossils Reveal

[ad_1] A sabre-toothed creature the size of a tiger was a top predator in the period…

Did Humans Originate From A Single Place In Africa? Study Rejects Old Theory, Unravels Secrets

[ad_1] Human beings are said to have originated in Africa, but there are several theories surrounding…

Jurassic Era Giants Living In Seas Were Twice As Big As A Killer Whale: Study

[ad_1] Jurassic era giants living in seas were twice as large as killer whales, a new…

What Did Neanderthals And Ancient Humans Hunt And Eat? Tooth Enamel Provides Clues

[ad_1] Neanderthals, which were archaic humans who emerged about 200,000 years ago, mostly lived in caves,…

This Dinosaur’s Neck Was Longer Than A City Bus, New Calculations Show

[ad_1] Among dinosaurs, a sub-group called the sauropods are known for their extremely long necks. Now,…

Researchers Discover Oldest Human Genome From Southern Spain: All You Need To Know

[ad_1] An international team of researchers has discovered the oldest human genome from southern Spain. This…

How Did Birds Get Their Wings? Study Finds New Clues To Old Mystery

[ad_1] Modern birds which could fly have a specialized wing structure which makes them capable of…

Archaeologists Find Oldest Human Remains In Britain, Date Them To Be About 11,000 Years Old

[ad_1] Archaeologists have discovered the earliest human remains ever found in northern Britain, and determined they…

Unusual New Pterosaur Species With Over 400 Teeth Like Comb Prongs Identified In Germany

[ad_1] Researchers have identified an unusual new species of pterosaur in Germany. The pterosaur species had…