खाना खाते वक्त हद से ज्यादा प्यास लगना कैंसर के हो सकते हैं संकेत, तुरंत कराएं जांच

[ad_1] इस बात का कोई सबूत नहीं है कि खाना खाने के दौरान पानी पीने से…

हार्ट अटैक से खुद को बचाना है तो इन चीजों का रखें ध्यान, काफी हद तक रहेंगे सेफ

[ad_1] आजकल हार्ट अटैक कब आ जाए इसके बारे में कोई नहीं जानता यह एक गंभीर…

Nausea is accompanied by frequent headaches, so be careful! May be a sign of brain tumor

[ad_1] World Tumor Day: Brain tumor is a very serious disease related to the brain. Those…

People living on Keto diet for weight loss should be careful… may this disease happen?

[ad_1] Keto Flu: These days people are following more than one diet to lose weight. Some…

Rakhi Sawant’s mother was suffering from this cancer, the symptoms of the disease may have to be taken lightly

[ad_1] Rakhi Sawant Mother Death: Rakhi Sawant, known as Bollywood’s item girl and drama queen, is…

Heart stroke can happen while doing hair wash in beauty parlor, know what is the reason

[ad_1] What Is Beauty Parlor Stroke Syndrome: After a tiring week or a month of work,…

Why the navel slips out of its place, know the reason and treatment

[ad_1] Why Navel Get Slip: Most people must have heard about navel slipping, navel fall or…