क्या आपके शरीर पर भी है तिल, कैंसर की निशानी को जानने के लिए इन लक्षणों को पहचानें

[ad_1]    अधिकांश लोगों के शरीर पर तिल, मस्सा या दाने होते हैं. आपको पता होगा…

These marks appearing on the nails can be signs of cancer, find out in this way

[ad_1] Cancer Symptoms In Nails: Whenever we go to a doctor for an initial checkup, the…

A mole on your body can also be a symptom of melanoma cancer! Men are at greater risk

[ad_1] Skin Cancer Early Stage: It is very important to recognize the symptoms of cancer disease…

Now sitting at home, this AI app will detect eye diseases… know the complete information related to this app

[ad_1] AI Ogler App: Till now you used to go to the doctor for a checkup…

Cancer can also grow inside the nails, it is important to recognize these signs in time

[ad_1] World Cancer Day 2023: When we think of cancer, we often overlook the simple signs…