दिल के मरीज हैं और बढ़ा हुआ है वजन तो ऐसे करें कंट्रोल, वरना बैड कोलेस्ट्रॉल ले सकता है जान

[ad_1] <p>मोटापा दिल से जुड़ी समस्याओं जैसे हार्ट अटैक, स्ट्रोक और हार्ट फेलियर को कई गुना…

Weight Loss Tips: रोज आधा घंटा कर लें ये एक्सरसाइज, हफ्तेभर में कम हो जाएगी तोंद

[ad_1] बर्पीज- ये वर्कआउट आपके कोर के साथ-साथ आपकी छाती, कंधों, लैट्स, ट्राइसेप्स और क्वाड्स को…

These are the amazing benefits of drinking fenugreek or its water on an empty stomach daily, even cancer and diabetes

[ad_1] Small yellow fenugreek seeds are commonly found in every Indian kitchen. Fenugreek seeds are very…

You can remove these 7 problems only by eating raw paneer.

[ad_1] You can remove these 7 problems only by eating raw paneer. [ad_2] Source link

If you want to reduce the hanging fat of the stomach, then start eating avocado sandwich in breakfast.

[ad_1] Burn Belly Fat With Avocado: These days a super food is becoming famous very fast…

By eating this food, you will stay away from diseases, the weight will also reduce and you will also get tremendous agility.

[ad_1] Sattvic Food: By eating this food, you will stay away from diseases, weight will also…

Does eating roti and rice really lead to weight gain? Know how much truth in this matter

[ad_1] Increasing weight or obesity causes many serious diseases. Your bad cholesterol level can increase due…

If you are a housewife, then reduce your weight without going to the gym, definitely include these things in your routine

[ad_1] Weight Loss Tips For Housewife Women: These days a large number of women are troubled…

What does fennel do after going into the stomach, due to which it is advised to eat it after meals.

[ad_1] Be it any kind of party or must have gone to eat in a restaurant.…

Include these things in salad daily in summer, weight will also decrease and will remain fresh throughout the day

[ad_1] Weight Loss Salad Recipes: It is very important to keep yourself cool in the summer…