लॉन्ग कोविड झेल झुके मरीजों में इन बीमारियों का बढ़ जाता है खतरा, लैंसेट रिपोर्ट में हुआ खुलासा

[ad_1] कई लोग ऐसे हैं जो कोविड को लहरों में इसके चपेट में आ गए थे.…

This symptom of long covid is strange, people are not even able to recognize the face…

[ad_1] Long Covid Symptoms: corona virus wreaked havoc all over the world. Lockdown was imposed in…

Will the symptoms of long covid be controlled by the right diet? Know what the study says

[ad_1] Long Covid: Most people who get infected with Kovid-19 recover within a few weeks. However,…

Symptoms Of Long Covid Experienced By Children And Young People May Change Over Time: Study

[ad_1] London, Dec 5 (PTI) Symptoms of long Covid experienced by children and young people may…

After Corona, 5 to 8 year old girls are getting periods, scientist worried about hormone change

[ad_1] Corna After Effects: People are still suffering the after effects of Corona. From heart to…