चार बीमारियां जिनका इंडिकेशन नाखून आपके शरीर से भी पहले दे देते हैं, जानें कौन-कौन सी बीमारी है

[ad_1] नाखून में छिपा है आपके सेहत का राज? यह बात सच भी है. आपने देखा…

The risk of fungal infection increases during the rainy season… If you follow these tips, you will not be able to touch

[ad_1] Fungal Infections In Monsoon: Rain brings relief after the scorching heat, but it also brings…

Heart attack, cough… Why are the diseases increasing suddenly?

[ad_1] People were slowly recovering from the panic of coronavirus that many cases of heart attack,…

Does corona weaken the capacity to withstand viral infection?

[ad_1] Covid And Immune System: Several countries in the northern hemisphere, including the US and the…

Cleanliness in hospitals, yet how does infection arise in patients? This study gave the answer

[ad_1] Study: To protect patients from any kind of infection, a lot of care is taken…

Veteran footballer Pele in the grip of Kovid infection, family shares emotional post on Instagram

[ad_1] Pele Health: These days the football world seems very worried about former Brazilian footballer Pele.…

Is normal delivery more beneficial? learn

[ad_1] Normal Delivery Instead of C-Section: It is difficult to put into words the pain a…