WhatsApp में आया ऑटो-अपडेट का फीचर, अब गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर जाने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ेगी

[ad_1] WhatsApp Update: व्हाट्सऐप में हमेशा कोई ना कोई नया फीचर पेश होते रहता है. मेटा…

Now you will be able to pin messages in Chat or Groups, this amazing feature is being brought by WhatsApp

[ad_1] WhatsApp: Instant messaging app WhatsApp is working on a new feature. Under this feature, people…

Making WhatsApp calls will now be easier, this special feature will be available on the homescreen

[ad_1] WhatsApp Calling Shortcut: Instant messaging app WhatsApp is widely used all over the world. This…

Recording video in WhatsApp is now easier, work will be done with just one click

[ad_1] WhatsApp: Meta instant messaging app is continuously bringing many new updates on WhatsApp. This year,…