Don’t make this mistake in the matter of money, Mumbai man lost Rs 1.25 crore in this way due to greed

[ad_1] Online Scam: Whenever you are talking to someone on social media or seeing and replying…

Thugs are taking wrong advantage of Gmail’s verified system, thus people are being fooled

[ad_1] Gmail verification system: Last month, tech joint Google announced a new feature in Gmail in…

Online boyfriend made on Tinder cheated woman of Rs 4.5 lakh, the method was such that it was difficult to doubt

[ad_1] Tinder Scam: Online or digital scams are on the rise. Cyber ​​thugs are targeting people…

Scammer stole Rs 40,000 from journalist’s account, this is how thugs are cheating people

[ad_1] Cyber ​​crime: Cyber ​​crime is continuously increasing in India. According to a report by Check…

The thugs didn’t even spare God… This is how fraud is happening with devotees in Kedarnath-Badrinath

[ad_1] Digial Scam At Kedarnath: Digital scams are on the rise. The thugs are now targeting…