जिम में भूलकर भी न करें ये गलतियां, नहीं तो बॉडी बनाने के चक्कर में हो जायेंगे दिल के मरीज!

[ad_1] Gym Workout Tips: जिम जाना, हिट एंड फिट दिखना इस नए दौर का फैशन हो चला…

2023 में कई लोगों को आए हार्ट अटैक, अगले साल आपके साथ ऐसा ना हो… इसलिए करें ये काम

[ad_1] Healthy Heart Tips: पुराना साल (Year ender 2023) दबे पांव जा रहा है और नए साल…

जिम हो या गरबा प्रैक्टिस…युवा हो रहे हैं हार्ट अटैक का शिकार, हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट ने बताया इस खास

[ad_1] <p style="text-align: justify;">देश के कोने-कोने से आए दिन हार्ट अटैक के मामले सामने आ रहे…

Talking too much on mobile has an effect on the heart… Scary revelations in the study

[ad_1] Heart Attack Sympoms:The way life style is changing. Due to this, the risk of many…

Swelling in the feet is also a symptom of heart disease. Every year 1.8 crore people die due to heart diseases.

[ad_1] Heart Attack Symptoms: People are falling prey to heart diseases due to bad lifestyle, unnecessary…

There is severe pain in the stomach, women should be alert… this is also a signal of heart attack.

[ad_1] Heart Attack Symptoms In Women: In the year 2022, many celebrities died of heart attack.…

Heart weakened by flu, patients died here due to attack

[ad_1] Heart Attack Symptoms: It is common to have flu in the changing season. Any person…

With the help of this program, 4 proteins can cure heart-Parkinson’s disease, revealed in research

[ad_1] Heart Attack Symptoms: The year 2022 is not good in terms of heart diseases. Many…

Why does heart attack come suddenly? Due to which its danger arises, know everything

[ad_1] Heart Attack Causes: In the film and TV world, the cases of heart attack are…