Hypertension can also cause sudden death, to avoid it, make these 6 changes in lifestyle

[ad_1] Hypertension: Hypertension or high blood pressure is such a disease, which if not treated on…

Mobile phone can increase hypertension! life may be in danger

[ad_1] World Hypertension Day: Hypertension is such a dangerous disease, in which the blood pressure in…

‘Hypertension’ gradually becomes a danger, use these 9 home remedies, stay away from the disease

[ad_1] Hypertension: Hypertension is fast becoming a problem arising in more and more people. Bad food,…

These 5 things hold great importance in Ayurveda, there is a cheap treatment for hypertension

[ad_1] Hypertension Prevention Tips: Hypertension is a condition in which the flow of blood inside the…