जानिए कान में जाने के बाद अंदर क्या-क्या करता है ईयरफोन, सिर्फ एक गलती बना सकती है बहरा!

[ad_1] गाना सुनना हर किसी को पसंद होता है. कई बार लोग गाना सुनने के चक्कर…

More than 10 lakh lives are being lost every year due to lack of correct identification of the disease, this report will surprise you

[ad_1] health reports : Due to lack of correct identification of diseases, more than 10 lakh…

Every sixth person working in the office is a victim of obesity, the risk of these diseases is also increasing

[ad_1] Office Obesity Report: Health experts have been stressing from time to time on the need…