Google का AI चैटबॉट जीमेल, यूट्यूब पर करेगा सपोर्ट, जानिए इससे यूजर्स को कैसे होगा फायदा

[ad_1] Google AI chatbot : गूगल ने अनाउंस कर दिया कि अब उसके एआई चैटबॉट का…

Google lens will now tell skin condition, how? here’s the way

[ad_1] Google Lens: Many times it happens to us that small pimples start coming out in…

You can now Google anything you see in a video

[ad_1] Google Lens: There will definitely be a feature or application called Google Lens in all…

Now you too will be able to read doctor’s ‘bad’ handwriting easily, Google has taken out its jugaad

[ad_1] Google For India: Google’s ‘Google for India’ event has started from 12 noon today. In…