बोधि दिवस के मौके पर जानें महात्मा बुद्ध के भारत में प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों की सूची

[ad_1] Buddha Temples In India: बोधि दिवस के मौके पर जानें महात्मा बुद्ध के भारत में…

Bodhi Day 2023: बोधि दिवस 8 दिसंबर को, जानिए बुद्ध के ज्ञान प्राप्ति के दिन का महत्व और इतिहास

[ad_1] Bodhi Day 2023: गौतम बुद्ध को ही बौद्ध धर्म का संस्थापक माना जाता है. बौद्ध…

Dalai Lama: तिब्बती आध्यात्मिक धर्मगुरु दलाई लामा का बोधगया में आगमन, जानें कितना ख़ास है ये जग

[ad_1] Dalai Lama: बिहार के बोधगया को ज्ञान और मोक्ष की भूमि कहा जाता है. आगामी…

Who was Mahatma Buddha, know about Buddha’s education and married life

[ad_1] Gautam Buddha Amritwani in Hindi: It is said that Gautam Buddha was born in 563…

Who was the most favorite disciple of Gautam Buddha, to whom he told this secret of ‘Sheelgandh’

[ad_1] Gautam Buddha Amritwani in Hindi: Anand who was one of the favorite disciples of Gautam…

Why did Gautam Buddha leave his family, know the story of Buddha’s sacrifice and penance

[ad_1] Buddha Amritwani, Story of Mahatma Buddha Sacrifice and Penance: Mahatma Gautam Buddha, the founder of…

One has to bear the fruits of sins till birth after birth, know from Buddha the story of the previous birth of monk Chakshupal

[ad_1] Gautam Buddha Amritwani in Hindi: Mahatma Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism, who showed…

Learn the importance of usefulness of things from this Amritvani of Buddha, it will be very useful in life

[ad_1] Gautam Buddha Amritwani in Hindi: Mahatma Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. Buddha renounced…

Buddha told the secret of ‘nectar farming’ without plow and bull, know this inspiring story

[ad_1] Gautam Buddha Amritwani in Hindi: In the Amritvani of Mahatma Buddha, the founder of Buddhism,…

This one thing makes all your good works useless, read this Amritvani of Buddha

[ad_1] Gautam Buddha Amritwani in Hindi: Every person does both good and bad things in his…