जानें ई-सिगरेट या स्मोकिंग कौन ज्यादा खतरनाक, किससे ज्यादा नुकसान

[ad_1] E-cigarettes vs Smoking: सिगरेट पीना सेहत के लिए नुकसानदायक है. इससे कई बीमारियां हो सकती हैं.…

‘Vaping’ is making life hell! If there is no alert now then these diseases will affect the skin

[ad_1] Vaping Side Effects: These days most of the people who smoke are moving towards vaping.…

The hobby of blowing smoke can be heavy, quit e-cigarettes from today itself

[ad_1] E-cigarettes Side Effects : Today there are many people who use e-cigarette as an intoxicant.…