[ad_1] <p>पेमेंट सेटलमेंट सिस्टम एनईएफटी ने एक नया रिकॉर्ड बना दिया है. बैंकिंग गतिविधियों में तेजी…
Tag: Digital Banking
आपका अकाउंट खाली करने आया ChatGPT का भाई, जान लीजिए बचाव का ‘रामबाण’ उपाय
[ad_1] <p>जैसे-जैसे तकनीक तरक्की करती है, लोगों का काम आसान होता जाता है. साथ ही साथ…
After 3 years, 90 percent digital payments will be done through UPI, billions of transactions will be done everyday
[ad_1] Transactions through UPI are increasing very fast. It has made India a global leader in…
Around 38 crore digital payments are happening everyday, UPI alone accounts for 78%
[ad_1] In today’s time, India has become the global leader in the matter of Digital Transaction.…
Be careful if you have an account in this bank, fraud is being done in the name of KYC
[ad_1] There has also been a change in the methods of online fraud between the digital…
Digital Banking: PM Modi will dedicate 75 digital banking units to the nation, see what will be special
[ad_1] 75 Digital Banking Units In 75 Districts : The Modi government at the Center is…