आरबीआई बुलेटिन के मुताबिक, खुदरा महंगाई दर में कमी से देश के इकोनॉमी को हुआ बड़ा फायदा

[ad_1] RBI Bulletin Update: सितंबर महीने में देश में खुदरा महंगाई दर में कमी के चलते…

Even after being expensive, people are taking a lot of loans, in the last financial year, the highest loan amount in so many years

[ad_1] During the last one year, the interest rates of loans in the country have increased…

RBI Governor: In a meeting with the MD-CEOs of banks, the RBI governor expressed concern over the decrease in deposits!

[ad_1] RBI Governor Meeting With Banks: Ahead of the fall in retail inflation and the meeting…

The share of industrial loans in bank loans decreased and the share of personal loans increased!

[ad_1] RBI Data on Bank Credit Growth: Banking credit growth has undergone major changes with the…