जुलाई में 8 फीसदी की दर से बढ़ा कोर सेक्टर का ग्रोथ रेट, कोयले के उत्पादन का शानदार आंकड़ा

[ad_1] Core Sector Growth Rate: भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था (Indian Economy) के आठ प्रमुख सेक्टर माने जाने वाले…

Infrastructure sector started gaining momentum, the growth rate was this much in May, this much less than a year ago

[ad_1] In terms of infrastructure, the month of May proved to provide some relief. During the…

The weather is not kind, ‘this fear’ is troubling the Finance Ministry for the economy!

[ad_1] Since the Corona pandemic, the global economy is facing constant challenges. India is no exception,…

The production of these 8 core sectors increased by 7.4 percent in the month of December, the highest in three months.

[ad_1] Core Sector Growth in December 2022: There is big news related to the core sector…